Our Products
Our selection of traceable and short-chain
products that are 100% Italian, designed for industrial use.
Agrifood offers a wide range of solutions suitable
for industrial users, including frozen horticultural products in cuts and sizes required by the industry.

The group
It was 1989 when seven agricultural cooperatives joined AMPP (Associazione Marsicana dei Produttori di Patate, the Marsica Association of Potato Producers) and, with the aim of providing genuine and 100% Italian frozen foods to the general public, gave birth to this company
Discover the complete range of products
A tavola con Agrifood
Scopri la nostra sezione ricette, dove potrai trovare tante gustose idee per i tuoi piatti
La Ricetta del mese
Minestra di farro con verdure al vapore.
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tempus, interdum felis sed, lacinia mi. Continua »