The Fucino Plain
It is the Fucino plain, a lush valley in the heart of Abruzzo, that gives life to many of our Vegetables.
An untouched oasis set apart by a unique microclimate, full of springs flowing down from high altitudes and surrounded by mountains and Natural Parks; a perfect area for agriculture. The first agricultural cultivations in the area date back to the end of the 19th century, when Prince Alessandro Torlonia ordered the draining of what was at that time the third largest lake in Italy, extending across the whole Fucino plain. This land reclamation provided over 13,000 hectares of fully workable, young and therefore highly fertile land. Thus in 1875 the first crops of cereals, potatoes and beetroots were grown, then from the 1970s onwards other vegetables were phased in. The soil and climatic conditions in the area have a positive influence on the quality and taste of the vegetables grown on the Fucino plain, as they allow the crops to grow to their full potential:
- The clayey-silt structure of the earth.
- The rich soils with nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
- The water retention capacity of the ground and the rising moisture from the beneath the surface.
- The temperature range during the productive period.
It is precisely these features that have allowed the Fucino carrot, rich in vitamins and of the characteristic bright orange colour, to be classified as PGI (Protected Geographic Indication, IGP in the Italian acronym).
Today, the main vegetables grown on the Fucino plain by Agrifood-Covalpa include potatoes, carrots, spinach, chicory, tomato, fennel, endives, radishes, lettuce, cabbage and celery. Thanks to the mountainous climate, other crops are produced seasonally, in particular fennel, summer cauliflower and other smaller vegetables.